Vsebina / Content
KAJA KRANER: Intermedialnost in urbani javni prostor v sodobni umetnosti: Urbanaria, Ready2Change in Plaza Protocol / Intermediality and the Urban Public Space in Contemporary Art: Urbanaria, Ready2Change and Plaza Protocol
EVA SMREKAR: Telo modernosti: podoba, umetnina, spektakel / The Body of Modernity: Image, Artwork, Spectacle
SOR JUANA INÉS DE LA CRUZ: Prvi sen / First Dream
KRISTINA RUTAR: Anatomija praznine X / Anatomy of Emptyness
HELENA TAHIR: Poetika otroštva / Poetisc of Childhood
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Kaj je tisto, kar res potrebujemo? Pogovor s Petro Varl / What Do We Really Need? Conversation With Petra Varl
MOJCA PUNCER: Od brezprostorja podob k arhitekturi preostanka v novem delu Petre Varl / From the Spacelessness of Images to the Architecute of Remains in Petra Varl’s New Work
ALEKSANDRA SAŠKA GRUDEN: Izraženi kontrasti. Pogovor z Vesno Teržan / Expressed Contrasts. Conversation with Vesna Teržan
MIHA COLNER: Interpretacije nestabilnosti in minljivosti / Interpretations of Instability and Transience
VESNA TERŽAN: Tiha prisotnost energije. Prefinjeni stik likovnega in gledališkega / The Silent Presence of Energy. The Sophisticated Connection between Art and Theatre
ALEN OŽBOLT: Študij kiparstva danes II / The Study of Sculpture Today II
KRISTINA PRANJIĆ: Proti logiki napredka. Kibernetska skulptura SENSTER na festivalu Speculum Artium 2021 / Against the Logicof Progress. The Cyber Sculpture SENSTER at the Festival Speculum Artium 2021
TIM PREZELJ: Nov digitalni dogovor / A New Digital Deal
LILIJANA STEPANČIČ: Kako bomo skupaj živeli? / How We Will Live Together?
TINA KONEC: Analiza razmerja med statusom risbe in njeno vsebino / Analysis of the Relationship between the Status of the Drawing and Its Content
EVA ŠUSTER: Spomin reke / Memories of a River
HANA ČEFERIN: Ali potrebujemo sejem umetnosti? / Do We Need an Art Fair?
PETJA GRAFENAUER: Razstava, vredna preučevanja / An Exhibition Worth Studying
MAJDA BOŽEGLAV JAPELJ: Forma viva Portorož 2021, mednarodni simpozij kiparjev
Razstave društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov / Exhibitions of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies
EVA SMREKAR: Telo modernosti: podoba, umetnina, spektakel / The Body of Modernity: Image, Artwork, Spectacle
SOR JUANA INÉS DE LA CRUZ: Prvi sen / First Dream
KRISTINA RUTAR: Anatomija praznine X / Anatomy of Emptyness
HELENA TAHIR: Poetika otroštva / Poetisc of Childhood
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Kaj je tisto, kar res potrebujemo? Pogovor s Petro Varl / What Do We Really Need? Conversation With Petra Varl
MOJCA PUNCER: Od brezprostorja podob k arhitekturi preostanka v novem delu Petre Varl / From the Spacelessness of Images to the Architecute of Remains in Petra Varl’s New Work
ALEKSANDRA SAŠKA GRUDEN: Izraženi kontrasti. Pogovor z Vesno Teržan / Expressed Contrasts. Conversation with Vesna Teržan
MIHA COLNER: Interpretacije nestabilnosti in minljivosti / Interpretations of Instability and Transience
VESNA TERŽAN: Tiha prisotnost energije. Prefinjeni stik likovnega in gledališkega / The Silent Presence of Energy. The Sophisticated Connection between Art and Theatre
ALEN OŽBOLT: Študij kiparstva danes II / The Study of Sculpture Today II
KRISTINA PRANJIĆ: Proti logiki napredka. Kibernetska skulptura SENSTER na festivalu Speculum Artium 2021 / Against the Logicof Progress. The Cyber Sculpture SENSTER at the Festival Speculum Artium 2021
TIM PREZELJ: Nov digitalni dogovor / A New Digital Deal
LILIJANA STEPANČIČ: Kako bomo skupaj živeli? / How We Will Live Together?
TINA KONEC: Analiza razmerja med statusom risbe in njeno vsebino / Analysis of the Relationship between the Status of the Drawing and Its Content
EVA ŠUSTER: Spomin reke / Memories of a River
HANA ČEFERIN: Ali potrebujemo sejem umetnosti? / Do We Need an Art Fair?
PETJA GRAFENAUER: Razstava, vredna preučevanja / An Exhibition Worth Studying
MAJDA BOŽEGLAV JAPELJ: Forma viva Portorož 2021, mednarodni simpozij kiparjev
Razstave društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov / Exhibitions of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies