Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. objavlja javni razpis za projekt mladega umetnika (do 30. leta starosti) na področju intermedijskih umetnosti. Projekt je lahko izveden v mediju intermedijske postavitve, javnega dogodka, intervencije v javni prostor, intermedijskega performansa, medmrežnega projekta, video instalacije in novomedijske raziskave ali dogodka. Izbran projekt bomo podprli in izvedli v letu 2015.
Prijava naj obvezno vsebuje:
-ime, priimek avtorja; kratko biografijo; kontakt avtorja
-kratek opis projekta, ki vključuje tehnične zahteve, lokacijo ipd. (ne pošiljajte originalnih del)
-osnovni finančni okvir produkcije projekta
Prijave sprejemamo na naslov:
Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., Hruševska 66, 1000 Ljubljana - do vključno 4. marca 2015 (poštni žig).
Vse dodatne informacije v zvezi s prijavo:
Uroš Legen 040 370 199
Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.
Center in Galerija P74, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana,
[email protected]
m 040 370 199
Galerijske ure
ponedeljek – petek 12.00 - 18.00 + po dogovoru
sobota, nedelja zaprto
Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E. objavlja javni razpis za projekt mladega umetnika (do 30. leta starosti) na področju intermedijskih umetnosti. Projekt je lahko izveden v mediju intermedijske postavitve, javnega dogodka, intervencije v javni prostor, intermedijskega performansa, medmrežnega projekta, video instalacije in novomedijske raziskave ali dogodka. Izbran projekt bomo podprli in izvedli v letu 2015.
Prijava naj obvezno vsebuje:
-ime, priimek avtorja; kratko biografijo; kontakt avtorja
-kratek opis projekta, ki vključuje tehnične zahteve, lokacijo ipd. (ne pošiljajte originalnih del)
-osnovni finančni okvir produkcije projekta
Prijave sprejemamo na naslov:
Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., Hruševska 66, 1000 Ljubljana - do vključno 4. marca 2015 (poštni žig).
Vse dodatne informacije v zvezi s prijavo:
Uroš Legen 040 370 199
Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E.
Center in Galerija P74, Trg prekomorskih brigad 1, 1000 Ljubljana,
[email protected]
m 040 370 199
Galerijske ure
ponedeljek – petek 12.00 - 18.00 + po dogovoru
sobota, nedelja zaprto
REZIDENČNI PROGRAM: Call for Artists 2015 | Rethink Palestine
REZIDENČNI PROGRAM: Call for Artists 2015 | °Ceramic Artist in Residence Neumünster/Germany
Young artists who use clay as their primary material and focussing on contemporary ceramic art, are able to apply as 'Ceramic Artist in Residence' for 2015. The deadline ends on 20th October 2014. More information are available at the residency website
REZIDENČNI PROGRAM: Residency for Artists on Hiatus (RFAOH) - Call for applications 2014/2015
RFAOH co-directors, Shinobu Akimoto and Matthew Evans are pleased to invite international “artists on-hiatus” to apply to our 2nd call for participation in our ongoing project, Residency for Artists on Hiatus (RFAOH).
Residency For Artists On Hiatus is a virtual yet functioning residency available to artists who, for one reason or another, are NOT currently making or presenting art. The residency exists in the form of a website, and the participants are selected based on their proposals of “on-hiatus” activities (or non-activities). To be eligible to apply, artists must have previously created an independent body of work and have exhibited in a public context. Selected artists will be represented on the RFAOH website by a dedicated page on which they are asked to post periodic reports throughout their residency. A modest stipend will be awarded to successful applicants to assist in their on-hiatus endeavours. At the conclusion of their residency, residents are expected to submit a written report on how they benefited from or were otherwise influenced by this opportunity.
For a DIY project with such modest beginnings, our first year brought us amazing collaborations and responses that developed beyond our expectations. The scope of our inaugural participants’ on-hiatus activities ranged from meditation to being a full time professor of architecture, from organic gardening to applying to an MBA programme or explorations into various leisure activities for leisure sake. While stepping back from their art practices yet maintaining some life-line to their artist identity, all our residents uniquely perceived, approached, and used this opportunity. Their inspiring posts and final reports may be read on the RFAOH website. We also sincerely thank Mr. Tehching Hsieh for accepting our invitation to sit on our advisory board, as well as those who brought us opportunities to present RFAOH worldwide.
Given the currently topical discussions around the institutionalization of art practice and artist's identity, we are excited to host the 2nd cohort of residents, and continue our discourse surrounding the role of art within the greater culture at large. To know more about Residency For Artists On Hiatus and its first year of operation, please visit our website. Detailed information on how to apply can also be found at
The deadline for applications is September 15, 2014.
Residency For Artists On Hiatus continues to seek a host organization who may promote the residency through their own website and assist in funding the programme. The amount of the stipend paid to the residents as well as the format of the final publication will be contingent on this funding. Should you be interested in supporting RFAOH, please contact us at [email protected], or go to our support page to see how you can help.
RFAOH Co-directors
Shinobu Akimoto / Matthew Evans
[email protected]
Residency For Artists On Hiatus is a virtual yet functioning residency available to artists who, for one reason or another, are NOT currently making or presenting art. The residency exists in the form of a website, and the participants are selected based on their proposals of “on-hiatus” activities (or non-activities). To be eligible to apply, artists must have previously created an independent body of work and have exhibited in a public context. Selected artists will be represented on the RFAOH website by a dedicated page on which they are asked to post periodic reports throughout their residency. A modest stipend will be awarded to successful applicants to assist in their on-hiatus endeavours. At the conclusion of their residency, residents are expected to submit a written report on how they benefited from or were otherwise influenced by this opportunity.
For a DIY project with such modest beginnings, our first year brought us amazing collaborations and responses that developed beyond our expectations. The scope of our inaugural participants’ on-hiatus activities ranged from meditation to being a full time professor of architecture, from organic gardening to applying to an MBA programme or explorations into various leisure activities for leisure sake. While stepping back from their art practices yet maintaining some life-line to their artist identity, all our residents uniquely perceived, approached, and used this opportunity. Their inspiring posts and final reports may be read on the RFAOH website. We also sincerely thank Mr. Tehching Hsieh for accepting our invitation to sit on our advisory board, as well as those who brought us opportunities to present RFAOH worldwide.
Given the currently topical discussions around the institutionalization of art practice and artist's identity, we are excited to host the 2nd cohort of residents, and continue our discourse surrounding the role of art within the greater culture at large. To know more about Residency For Artists On Hiatus and its first year of operation, please visit our website. Detailed information on how to apply can also be found at
The deadline for applications is September 15, 2014.
Residency For Artists On Hiatus continues to seek a host organization who may promote the residency through their own website and assist in funding the programme. The amount of the stipend paid to the residents as well as the format of the final publication will be contingent on this funding. Should you be interested in supporting RFAOH, please contact us at [email protected], or go to our support page to see how you can help.
RFAOH Co-directors
Shinobu Akimoto / Matthew Evans
[email protected]
FOTO VIDEO NATEČAJ: Ščepec podob za fotografske in filmske užitke
Založništvo tržaškega tiska in krožek Fotovideo Trst 80 v sodelovanju z Društvom Debela griža Volčji Grad, Kosovelovo knjižnico Sežana – knjižnica Komen, knjigotrštvom Buča ter s podporo Občine Komen ob 1. mednarodnem sejmu kuharskih knjig in knjig s kulinarično vsebino ljubiteljem fotografije in filma ponujajo priložnost, da delijo kulinarično-gurmanske podobe, v katerih imajo glavno vlogo skrbno pripravljene jedi, skromni obroki ali razkošne pojedine, ki so tako ali drugače spremenile usode protagonistov.
Fotografije so lahko narejene v poljubni tehniki, velikost fotografije naj bo 45 x 30 cm, vsak kandidat lahko pošlje največ 5 fotografij. Video zgodbe lahko trajajo največ 3 minute.
Fotografije in video izdelke (v formatu DVD R-) lahko pošljete po pošti na naslov Založništvo tržaškega tiska, ul. Montecchi 6, 34137 Trst, Italija, s pripisom ZA NATEČAJ. Fotografijo ali video podpišite s šifro, zraven pa priložite še eno zaprto kuverto z isto šifro, v kateri nam boste posredovali svoje polno ime, naslov, elektronski naslov in telefon.
Fotografijo (velikost 5Mpx) ter šifro z osebnimi podatki lahko pošljete tudi po elektronski pošti na naslov [email protected], in sicer kot dve ločeni datoteki. Člani komisije, ki bodo pregledovali prispele fotografije in video izdelke, ne bodo imeli dostopa do omenjenega elektronskega naslova.
Na razpisu lahko sodelujejo vsi, ki se izražajo skozi zgoraj omenjena medija, fotografija ali video morata biti še neobjavljena.
Zadnji dan za oddajo zgodbe je 1. september 2014 (velja poštni žig ali datum odposlane elektronske pošte). Strokovna komisija bo izbrala najboljše fotografije in video zgodbe, ki bodo objavljene na spletni izdaji Primorskega dnevnika (, na spletni strani Založništva tržaškega tiska ( ter Narodne in študijske knjižnice Trst ( Med finalisti bo strokovna komisija izbrala tri najboljše za vsako kategorijo. Zmagovalce bomo razkrili na 30. knjižnem sejmu v Ljubljani.
Fotografije so lahko narejene v poljubni tehniki, velikost fotografije naj bo 45 x 30 cm, vsak kandidat lahko pošlje največ 5 fotografij. Video zgodbe lahko trajajo največ 3 minute.
Fotografije in video izdelke (v formatu DVD R-) lahko pošljete po pošti na naslov Založništvo tržaškega tiska, ul. Montecchi 6, 34137 Trst, Italija, s pripisom ZA NATEČAJ. Fotografijo ali video podpišite s šifro, zraven pa priložite še eno zaprto kuverto z isto šifro, v kateri nam boste posredovali svoje polno ime, naslov, elektronski naslov in telefon.
Fotografijo (velikost 5Mpx) ter šifro z osebnimi podatki lahko pošljete tudi po elektronski pošti na naslov [email protected], in sicer kot dve ločeni datoteki. Člani komisije, ki bodo pregledovali prispele fotografije in video izdelke, ne bodo imeli dostopa do omenjenega elektronskega naslova.
Na razpisu lahko sodelujejo vsi, ki se izražajo skozi zgoraj omenjena medija, fotografija ali video morata biti še neobjavljena.
Zadnji dan za oddajo zgodbe je 1. september 2014 (velja poštni žig ali datum odposlane elektronske pošte). Strokovna komisija bo izbrala najboljše fotografije in video zgodbe, ki bodo objavljene na spletni izdaji Primorskega dnevnika (, na spletni strani Založništva tržaškega tiska ( ter Narodne in študijske knjižnice Trst ( Med finalisti bo strokovna komisija izbrala tri najboljše za vsako kategorijo. Zmagovalce bomo razkrili na 30. knjižnem sejmu v Ljubljani.