Vsebina / Content
PETRA ČERNE: Oranje ledine s čopičem in z zgodbo. Analiza vizualne podobe slovenske otroške revije Ciciban v obdobju SFRJ / Breaking new Ground with Brush and Story. Analysis of the Visual Image of the Slovenian Children's Magazine Ciciban during the Era of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Osebni nadrealizem v slikarstvu Nataše Ribič Štefanec / The Personal Surrealism in the Painting of Nataša Ribič Štefanec
ALEJANDRA PIZARNIK: Dve pesmi / Two Poems
NARVIKA BOVCON, ALEŠ VAUPOTIČ: Prostor vržen iz tira. Pogovor s Srečom Draganom / Space is out of Joint. Conversation with Srečo Dragan
ALEŠ VAUPOTIČ: Vključevanje nanotehnoloških raziskav v likovno umetnost: Polimorfni odtis Uršule Berlot / The Integration of Nanotechnology Research in Fine Art: The Polymorphic Impression of Uršula Berlot
MAJA MURNIK: Nekaj misli o telesu ob razstavi Konjska moč Zorana Srdića Janežiča in Otta Urpelainena / Some Thoughts on the Body in the Horsepower Exhibition by Zoran Srdić Janežič and Otto Urpelainen
SERGEJ KAPUS: Potujitev / Alienation
BLAŽ MIKLAVČIČ: Politika Kože / The Politisc of Skin
NADJA GNAMUŠ: O zadnjih delih Zmaga Lenárdiča ali: »Ko gledaš, pozabi na umetnost«! / On the Recent Works of Zmago Lenárdič or: "When you are looking, forget about art"!
TJAŠA POGAČAR PODGORNIK: O razstavi in seriji slik Futur antérieur / About the Exhibition and Series of Paintings Futur antérieur
ALEN OŽBOLT: Prostori in razmerja med arhitekturo in kipom / Spaces and Relationsgips Between Architecture and Sculpture
NATAŠA KOVŠCA: Prevrednotenje keramike / A Revaluation of Ceramics
MOJCA PUNCER: Pregledna razstava Konrada Topolovca v Celju / Overview Exhibition of Konrad Topolovec in Celje
DUŠAN MUC: Um, srce, vživljanje – stoletje dveh svetovnih vojn in valčka / Mind, Heart, Integration – A Century of Two World Wars and the Waltz
ROBERT SIMONIŠEK: Dušan Tršar – Retrospektiva / Dušan Tršar – Retrospective
LILIJANA STEPANČIČ: Zgodovina tistega, kar se nam danes zdi, da je samo po sebi dano / The History of That Which Seems to be Given of its own Accord
LENKA ĐOROJEVIĆ, MIHA KELEMINA: Re-vizija procesa snovanja razstave ob 20. obletnici šole Svet umetnosti / Conceptualisation of the Exhibition on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the World of Art School Re-visited
Razstave društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov / The Exhibitions of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies
PETRA ČERNE: Oranje ledine s čopičem in z zgodbo. Analiza vizualne podobe slovenske otroške revije Ciciban v obdobju SFRJ / Breaking new Ground with Brush and Story. Analysis of the Visual Image of the Slovenian Children's Magazine Ciciban during the Era of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Osebni nadrealizem v slikarstvu Nataše Ribič Štefanec / The Personal Surrealism in the Painting of Nataša Ribič Štefanec
ALEJANDRA PIZARNIK: Dve pesmi / Two Poems
NARVIKA BOVCON, ALEŠ VAUPOTIČ: Prostor vržen iz tira. Pogovor s Srečom Draganom / Space is out of Joint. Conversation with Srečo Dragan
ALEŠ VAUPOTIČ: Vključevanje nanotehnoloških raziskav v likovno umetnost: Polimorfni odtis Uršule Berlot / The Integration of Nanotechnology Research in Fine Art: The Polymorphic Impression of Uršula Berlot
MAJA MURNIK: Nekaj misli o telesu ob razstavi Konjska moč Zorana Srdića Janežiča in Otta Urpelainena / Some Thoughts on the Body in the Horsepower Exhibition by Zoran Srdić Janežič and Otto Urpelainen
SERGEJ KAPUS: Potujitev / Alienation
BLAŽ MIKLAVČIČ: Politika Kože / The Politisc of Skin
NADJA GNAMUŠ: O zadnjih delih Zmaga Lenárdiča ali: »Ko gledaš, pozabi na umetnost«! / On the Recent Works of Zmago Lenárdič or: "When you are looking, forget about art"!
TJAŠA POGAČAR PODGORNIK: O razstavi in seriji slik Futur antérieur / About the Exhibition and Series of Paintings Futur antérieur
ALEN OŽBOLT: Prostori in razmerja med arhitekturo in kipom / Spaces and Relationsgips Between Architecture and Sculpture
NATAŠA KOVŠCA: Prevrednotenje keramike / A Revaluation of Ceramics
MOJCA PUNCER: Pregledna razstava Konrada Topolovca v Celju / Overview Exhibition of Konrad Topolovec in Celje
DUŠAN MUC: Um, srce, vživljanje – stoletje dveh svetovnih vojn in valčka / Mind, Heart, Integration – A Century of Two World Wars and the Waltz
ROBERT SIMONIŠEK: Dušan Tršar – Retrospektiva / Dušan Tršar – Retrospective
LILIJANA STEPANČIČ: Zgodovina tistega, kar se nam danes zdi, da je samo po sebi dano / The History of That Which Seems to be Given of its own Accord
LENKA ĐOROJEVIĆ, MIHA KELEMINA: Re-vizija procesa snovanja razstave ob 20. obletnici šole Svet umetnosti / Conceptualisation of the Exhibition on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the World of Art School Re-visited
Razstave društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov / The Exhibitions of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies