MOJCA PUNCER: Nelagodje v umetnostni kritiki: primer participatorne umetnosti /
Art Criticism and Its Discontents: An Example of Participatory Art
KAJA KRANER: Podobe krize kritike: poročilo o ciklu javnih predavanj Kako kritično je stanje kritiškega pisanja? / Images of Crisis in Criticism: A Report on the Cycle of Public Lectures How Critical is the Condition of Critical Writing?
EVA MLINAR: Dnevnik / Diary
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Vmesni, rahli svet. Intervju s Silvanom Omerzujem / The Uncertain, In-between World. Interview with Silvan Omerzu
NARVIKA BOVCON: Nova zgradba FRI UL z umetniškim pridihom / The New FRI UL Building with a Touch of Art
SIMONA ERJAVEC: Slikarske poslastice so redke / Painting Treats are Rare
ALEKSANDER BASSIN: Dotiki barve / Touches of Paint
ROBERT INHOF: Enkratne stiske. Monotipije Matjaža Gederja / Unique Anguishes. The Monotypes of Matjaž Geder
TOMISLAV VIGNJEVIĆ: Neolepšane zgodbe mesta. Manifesta 11 v Zürichu / Unembellished Stories of the City. Manifesta 11 in Zurich
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Podobe v gibanju. Festival animiranega filma Annecy / Images in Motion. Annecy Animated Film Festival
MAJA MURNIK: Maja Smrekar: Rekviem za prihodnost / Maja Smrekar: Requiem for the Future
NATAŠA KOVŠCA: Refleksija vsakdanjosti / Reflection of Everyday Life
JERNEJ KOŽAR: Wear Tomaža Furlana / Wear by Tomaž Furlan
ANDREJ MEDVED: Jakov Brdar 2007 . 2016
BORKO TEPINA: O razmerju med fizično in mentalno pojavnostjo igre / On the Relationship Between the Physical and Mental Appearance of Games
ARTHUR RIMBAUD: Pijani čoln / The Drunken Boat
ROBERT LOZAR: Kam z rokami? / What to do with the hands?
MAGDALENA GERMEK: Organ v ekscesu / The Organ in Excess
ALEŠ VAUPOTIČ: Mednarodna konferenca Katera umetnostna zgodovina? / International Conference What Art History?
META GABRŠEK PROSENC: Umetnik in galerist / The Artist and the Art Dealer
Razstave društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov / Exhibitions of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies
MOJCA PUNCER: Nelagodje v umetnostni kritiki: primer participatorne umetnosti /
Art Criticism and Its Discontents: An Example of Participatory Art
KAJA KRANER: Podobe krize kritike: poročilo o ciklu javnih predavanj Kako kritično je stanje kritiškega pisanja? / Images of Crisis in Criticism: A Report on the Cycle of Public Lectures How Critical is the Condition of Critical Writing?
EVA MLINAR: Dnevnik / Diary
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Vmesni, rahli svet. Intervju s Silvanom Omerzujem / The Uncertain, In-between World. Interview with Silvan Omerzu
NARVIKA BOVCON: Nova zgradba FRI UL z umetniškim pridihom / The New FRI UL Building with a Touch of Art
SIMONA ERJAVEC: Slikarske poslastice so redke / Painting Treats are Rare
ALEKSANDER BASSIN: Dotiki barve / Touches of Paint
ROBERT INHOF: Enkratne stiske. Monotipije Matjaža Gederja / Unique Anguishes. The Monotypes of Matjaž Geder
TOMISLAV VIGNJEVIĆ: Neolepšane zgodbe mesta. Manifesta 11 v Zürichu / Unembellished Stories of the City. Manifesta 11 in Zurich
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Podobe v gibanju. Festival animiranega filma Annecy / Images in Motion. Annecy Animated Film Festival
MAJA MURNIK: Maja Smrekar: Rekviem za prihodnost / Maja Smrekar: Requiem for the Future
NATAŠA KOVŠCA: Refleksija vsakdanjosti / Reflection of Everyday Life
JERNEJ KOŽAR: Wear Tomaža Furlana / Wear by Tomaž Furlan
ANDREJ MEDVED: Jakov Brdar 2007 . 2016
BORKO TEPINA: O razmerju med fizično in mentalno pojavnostjo igre / On the Relationship Between the Physical and Mental Appearance of Games
ARTHUR RIMBAUD: Pijani čoln / The Drunken Boat
ROBERT LOZAR: Kam z rokami? / What to do with the hands?
MAGDALENA GERMEK: Organ v ekscesu / The Organ in Excess
ALEŠ VAUPOTIČ: Mednarodna konferenca Katera umetnostna zgodovina? / International Conference What Art History?
META GABRŠEK PROSENC: Umetnik in galerist / The Artist and the Art Dealer
Razstave društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov / Exhibitions of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies