Vsebina / Content
KAJA KRANER: Objektnost in tujost: problemska polja novejše umetniške produkcije v Sloveniji / Objectivity and Alienness: Problem Areas of Recent Art Production in Slovenia
DARKO SUVIN: Uplenjeno gnostikom / Pillaging the Gnostics
BORUT POPENKO: Prelomi / Shifts
MARKO GLAVAČ: Hvalnica življenju / Ode to Life
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Iz hecev so se razvile resne stvari. Pogovor s Črtomirjem Frelihom / Serious Things Came Out of a Joke – Conversation with Črtomir Frelih
TINA KONEC: Interference risbe in prostora / Interferences of Drawing and Space
MONIKA PLEMEN: Distorzija telesa v originalni grafiki / Distortion of the Body in Original Printmaking
TAMARA ŠTERLEK: O Telesnem razlomu Uršule Berlot / Body Fraction by Uršula Berlot
SLAĐANA MITROVIĆ: Vračanje k primarni materiji / Return to Primary Matter
VESNA TERŽAN: Spektakelski učinek grafike / The Spectacular Effect of the Graphic Arts
MIKLAVŽ KOMELJ: Kako je mogoče, da obstajajo ptice? V spomin Tonku Maroeviću / How Is It Possible That Birds Exist? In Memory of Tonko Maroević
LILIJANA STEPANČIČ: Pionir sprememb: Države iz Afrike na grafičnih bienalih v Ljubljani med letoma 1955 in 1991 / Pioneer of Change: African Countries at the Graphic Arts Biennials in Ljubljana Between 1955 and 1991
TANJA TOLAR: Murakami vs Murakami / Murakami vs Murakami
MOJCA PUNCER: O vplivih sodobne umetnosti na znanstvene, družbene in kulturne paradigme / Contemporary Art Impacts on Scientific, Social, and Cultural Paradigms
Razstave društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov / Exhibitions of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies
KAJA KRANER: Objektnost in tujost: problemska polja novejše umetniške produkcije v Sloveniji / Objectivity and Alienness: Problem Areas of Recent Art Production in Slovenia
DARKO SUVIN: Uplenjeno gnostikom / Pillaging the Gnostics
BORUT POPENKO: Prelomi / Shifts
MARKO GLAVAČ: Hvalnica življenju / Ode to Life
MOJCA ZLOKARNIK: Iz hecev so se razvile resne stvari. Pogovor s Črtomirjem Frelihom / Serious Things Came Out of a Joke – Conversation with Črtomir Frelih
TINA KONEC: Interference risbe in prostora / Interferences of Drawing and Space
MONIKA PLEMEN: Distorzija telesa v originalni grafiki / Distortion of the Body in Original Printmaking
TAMARA ŠTERLEK: O Telesnem razlomu Uršule Berlot / Body Fraction by Uršula Berlot
SLAĐANA MITROVIĆ: Vračanje k primarni materiji / Return to Primary Matter
VESNA TERŽAN: Spektakelski učinek grafike / The Spectacular Effect of the Graphic Arts
MIKLAVŽ KOMELJ: Kako je mogoče, da obstajajo ptice? V spomin Tonku Maroeviću / How Is It Possible That Birds Exist? In Memory of Tonko Maroević
LILIJANA STEPANČIČ: Pionir sprememb: Države iz Afrike na grafičnih bienalih v Ljubljani med letoma 1955 in 1991 / Pioneer of Change: African Countries at the Graphic Arts Biennials in Ljubljana Between 1955 and 1991
TANJA TOLAR: Murakami vs Murakami / Murakami vs Murakami
MOJCA PUNCER: O vplivih sodobne umetnosti na znanstvene, družbene in kulturne paradigme / Contemporary Art Impacts on Scientific, Social, and Cultural Paradigms
Razstave društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov / Exhibitions of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies