MARCEL DUCHAMP: Infratanko. Zapiski 1–46 / Infrathin. Notes 1-46 URŠULA BERLOT POMPE: Minimalna razlika in moderna mimesis / The Minimum Difference and Modern Mimesis MIKLAVŽ KOMELJ: K problemu estetizacije: infratanka razlika med avro in infratanko razliko, infratanka razlika v avri / Towards the Problem of Aesthetization: The Infrathin Difference between the Aura and the Infrathin Difference, the Infrathin Difference in the Aura DIDIER SEMIN: Zapis o infratankem / Note on Infrathin MARCEL DUCHAMP: Ustvarjalni proces / The Creative Act METKA KRAŠOVEC: Samo svojo svobodo imam / I Only Have My Freedom SREČKO KOSOVEL: Iz zapuščine / From the Legacy BOŠTJAN DRINOVEC: Vetrni ris Metelkova mesto / Wind Drawing Metelkova mesto BRINA IVANETIČ: Ko spimo, nas ni in Projekt Klavstrofobija / We're not here when we're asleep and The Claustrophobia Project JERNEJ KOŽAR: 9. simpozij Forma viva, Ravne 2014 / 9. simpozij Forme vive / 9th Forma Viva Symposium BARBARA BORČIĆ: Velik poklon velikemu umetniku / A Great Tribute to a Great Artist SLAĐANA MITROVIĆ: Dare Birsa - skozi abstrakcijo v zgodbo / Dare Birsa – Through Abstraction into Story MOJCA PUNCER: Fotografova slutnja v rdečem / The Photographer's Premonition in Red PETRA KAPŠ: Red vsakdana. Poetsko-konceptualna fotografija Ivana Dvoršaka / The Order of the Everyday. The Poetic-Conceptual Photography of Ivan Dvoršak JUDITA KRIVEC DRAGAN: Ko se odprejo depoji. Podoba časa v ogledalu mode / When the Depots Open. The Image of the Time in the Mirror of Fashion MIHA COLNER: Dve razstavi, različna izhodišča rezultati / Two Exhibitions, Different Starting Points and Results LILIJANA STEPANČIČ: Počitnice brez strahu. Rezidenca za umetnike na premoru / Holidays without Fear. The Residence for Artists on a Hiatus MOJCA PUNCER: Estetske revolucije in avantgardna gibanja dvajsetega stoletja: politika estetike moderne in sodobne umetnosti / The Aesthetic Revolutions and Avant-garde Movements of the Twentieth Century: The Politics of the Aesthetics of Modern and Contemporary Art KATARINA STOPAR, PETRA BOLE: Subjektivnost kuratorskega diskurza v šoli za kustose in kritike sodobne umetnosti / The Subjectivity of Curatorial Discourse in the School for Curators and Critics of Contemporary Art Razstave društev slovenskih likovnih umetnikov / Exhibitions of the Slovenian Fine Artists Societies Cena posamezne številke revije: 15,00 € Celoletna naročnina za dve reviji: 25,00 € |